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Okta setup

This section explains how to integrate ODM with Okta to use Okta as SAML service provider.

Official documentation

Create Okta SAML app

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Applications -> Applications

  2. Click Create App Integration

  3. Select SAML 2.0 as the Sign-in method

    1. General settings

      • App name: Specify a name for your app
    2. Configure SAML

      1. General

        • Single sign-on URL: https://ODM-HOST/frontend/endpoint/AssertionConsumer

        • Audience URI (SP Entity ID): https://ODM-HOST/frontend/endpoint/SamlSpMetadata

        • Name ID format: EmailAddress

        • Application username: Email

      2. Attribute Statements (optional)

        • urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:mail ->

        • urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:givenName -> user.firstName

        • urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:sn -> user.lastName

    3. Feedback

      • App type: This is an internal app that we have created
    4. Click Finish

    5. You’ll be redirected to Sign On page.

      • In the SAML Signing Certificates section, generate a new one or download an existing certificate. It will be needed for configuring ODM.

Certificate preparation

You need to create the necessary certificates for ODM.

  1. In step E, you downloaded the certificate.

    1. Convert it to idp.key.

      openssl x509 -outform der -in okta.cert -out idp.key
    2. Convert idp.key to base64 format

      cat idp.key | base64
  2. Create new certificates

    1. Generate sp_x509_pem.crt

      • ODM-HOST is the server name without http/https, for example,
      openssl req \
      -x509 \
      -nodes \
      -newkey rsa:2048 \
      -keyout sp_pem.key \
      -out sp_x509_pem.crt \
      -subj "/C=UK/ST=England/L=Cambridge/O=Genestack/OU=Genestack/CN=${SAML_SP_HOSTNAME}" \
      -days 3650
    2. Generate sp_pkcs8_der.key

      openssl pkcs8 \
      -topk8 \
      -inform PEM \
      -outform DER \
      -in sp_pem.key \
      -out sp_pkcs8_der.key \
    3. Convert sp_x509_pem.crt to base64 format

      cat sp_x509_pem.crt | base64
    4. Convert sp_pkcs8_der.key to base64 format

      cat sp_pkcs8_der.key | base64
    5. Update the Helm chart with the provided information.

Now you can configure ODM to use Okta as SAML service provider. You can find configuration examples in the Helm chart.