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ClickHouse Rebalancing

Rebalancing shards in ClickHouse is primarily a manual process due to inherent limitations in ClickHouse. To simplify this process, we have developed a tool to assist with shard rebalancing.


  • Ensure there are no running ODM tasks. Wait for all tasks to complete before proceeding. This step is crucial to maintain data consistency in ClickHouse.
  • Ensure that there is enough free space in the ClickHouse cluster. All rebalanced data should be distributed equally across the nodes.
  • Make sure ODM version is 1.60 or higher.
  • Make sure clickhouse-helper version is higher than 0.30.0.

Just to be sure

You can use sanity check just to doublecheck that data is consistent in ODM.

Steps for Rebalancing

1. Enable ClickHouse Read-Only Mode in ODM

Set ODM to read-only mode to prevent any write operations during the rebalancing process. This does not affect schema migrations.

docker run \
  --env ODM_CORE_URL=${ODM_CORE_URL} \ \
  odm readonly --set-value=true

2. Redeploy Services with the New ClickHouse Database

Update your Helm values to point to the new ClickHouse database and redeploy the core and applications services.

a) Update Helm Values

Refer to the example values file patch for guidance: clickhouse-new-database.yaml. Use the genestack_new database name.

b) Perform Helm Upgrade

Run the following command to apply the changes:

helm upgrade <release-name> <chart-name> -f values.yaml

3. Clone Data to the New Database

Use the clickhouse-helper tool to copy data from the old database to the new one. Both CH_SOURCE_URL and CH_DESTINATION_URL can accept multiple nodes separated by a comma (,), for example, localhost:9000,localhost:19000. It is recommended to include all nodes in the cluster.

Follow these steps:

  1. Set the source and destination ClickHouse server URLs:

  2. Set the source and destination database names:

    export CH_SOURCE_DATABASE=genestack
    export CH_DESTINATION_DATABASE=genestack_new
  3. Run the clickhouse-helper to clone the data:

    docker run \
    ch clone

4. Disable ClickHouse Read-Only Mode in ODM

Once the data cloning is complete, re-enable write operations in ODM.

docker run \
  --env ODM_CORE_URL=${ODM_CORE_URL} \ \
  odm readonly --set-value=false


  • Ensure all steps are followed in sequence to avoid data inconsistencies.
  • The clickhouse-helper tool is essential for simplifying the rebalancing process.
  • Remember to delete the old database from ClickHouse after the rebalancing process is complete. It can be done with clickhouse-client command-line tool.